
Slim American Men interested in Friendship

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1 - 35 of 100
43 Miami, Florida, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 32
Body style: Slim
Imagine this... We live in a world that is all about instant gratification. Morals and values have gone out the window. Traditional values are mocked and discarded. People put more thought into material items than into partners or relationships. Society doesn't teach us how to create foundation, morality or hierarchy... nor does it teach responsibility or laws of attraction. I've stayed out of the dating game for years because I see from a mile away where society is heading and a lot of it doesn't match with my moral values. I believe that masculine and feminine energy are a unity that go hand and hand. Its the Yin & Yan. When this unity is in balance it creates a natural Utopia that supersedes any negative vibrations. Which is why you see powerful couples conquer any challenge and make it to the top. However getting to that state takes effort (also known as energy or action). It doesn't manifest by thought alone. It takes thought (entering consciousness via awareness), then belief (where you take this thought and turn it, to absolute truth), then action (the energy to manifest in the real world the seed of thought)... Unfortunately I haven't met many women who take interest to this thought process. And being from Miami, FL all I grew up around was superficiality. If you notice everyone is always too busy for whats important and not busy for things that aren't. This makes no sense to me. I think the formula to life contains 5 parts. 1. Health - Mental and physical. This is the seed that allows one to enjoy the fruits of life. Without it nothing is enjoyable. Watching what you eat, practicing healthy habits and most importantly paying attention to what you put in your mind. 2. Personal - Constant personal development via, books, courses and trainings. Strength training, exercises, Yoga & Tai Chi 3. Wealth - Yes money is important. Anyone that tells you differently has probably never really had much of it. It is not the seed of happiness but it makes life a lot better. It's all about how you go about obtaining it. Some lie deceive, steal and cheat to get ahead. While others accumulate, by intelligence, solving challenges, and expansive thinking. When it stops becoming an obsession the universe provides it most. 4. Relationships - You are a product of the 4-5 people in your circle. Who you allow near you affects your judgement. It's sad to say, but you should always strive to upgrade not downgrade. Don't follow people in worse situation or closed minded. This can be family or friends a like. Remember misery loves company. Choosing a partner has to be calculated and done intelligently. It's a combination of chemistry, appeal, mindset, and united goals. Without foundation you're setting yourself up for failure. 5. Spirituality - The belief of something greater than you. This keeps you humble and contains the ego. While at the same time reinforces purpose. I prefer to connect to what I call the light. Which is white energy, also known as 528 or the love frequency. I see things in numeric patterns ruled by sound and delivered by universal consciousness from above. Its also known as the god frequency. It's what works for me. Many people confuse being good with being financially successful. I believe negative energy is just as powerful as positive. There are a lot of awful people in positions of power & wealth. It really comes down to which energy you connect to. However studies show being in love and light energy reduces stress levels, brings upon inner peace and generally promotes a healthier lifestyle. I conquer with this opinion... Even though I've been out of the dating game for a while. I know there is a right person out there for me. I'm putting it out there because I know universal law will provide. You've read some of my philosophies. Love to hear what you think... PS. To anyone reading this please note. I've visualized the characteristics of what I want in this life. When you appear I will know. PPS. I do work a lot and not available for immediate chats. I will try to be available 1-2 times a weeks to engage and chat. Regardless if its meant to be or not... I wish everyone on this platform love and light. May your deepest wishes be fulfilled. Xoxo Cliff

