
Colombian Singles who went to High School

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High School

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35 Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
Seeking: Male 34 - 98
Education: High School
If a woman does not hide her age, then she is pleased with herself! I'm not 18 anymore, time flies so fast! I already have experience behind me, so I know exactly how I will live the next years and I know exactly what I want in this life. Oh, by the way, I have a sweet tooth, do you? I do not regret the past, for every moment of my life I thank God and my family, because the best gift is life! I want to make this world kinder and become a bright ray in the life of my man. The goal of our life is the perfection of the soul. If you look at our life as a ladder between heaven and earth, it becomes clear that any test, relationship with people, internal transformations of the soul is an opportunity to either climb a step higher and closer to God on the ladder of life or go down below your level. We are faced with a choice every day and everything is only in our hands. Of course, there were wrong things in my life, but this is my life and my choice, every time I did eve! rything sincerely. The main thing is to admit your mistakes I am not afraid to talk about my feelings and thoughts because I believe that it helps people understand each other better. I do not tolerate hypocrisy, deceit, such people pass by my life and never linger in it. I believe that love should be mutual and based on honesty and respect for each other. I'm not looking for the perfect person, but I want our love to be real and not fake. I am ready to open my heart and give my love to someone who is real and sincere with me. I'm not looking for any games or deceit, only sincerity and true love.
45 Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
Seeking: Male 38 - 52
Education: High School
I am an independent, hard-working woman, dedicated to the family, with good principles and values, who loves God and I am a woman who loves consciously mind. Real love as a couple is a deep and transformative journey that goes beyond simple attraction or affection. Here I present a reflection on what it represents and how it manifests itself: 1. Authentic connection: True love arises from a genuine connection where both people see and accept each other in their entirety, with their virtues and defects. 2. Open communication: The basis of a solid love relationship is honest and transparent communication. It is the bridge that allows one to understand and grow together. 3. Mutual respect: Respect is fundamental. It means valuing the other as an independent being and supporting his freedom and personal development. 4. Conscious commitment: Commitment to love is not an obligation, but a conscious choice to walk together, overcoming obstacles and celebrating achievements. 5. Empathy and understanding: The ability to put yourself in the other’s place and understand their emotions is essential to nurture the relationship and strengthen the bond. \N6. Personal and shared growth: True love inspires both to be better people and provides a safe space for personal and partner growth. \N7. Deep intimacy: Beyond the physical, true intimacy is found in sharing dreams, joys and sorrows, creating an unbreakable bond. \N8. Unconditional Support: In true love, both become the greatest support of each other, offering a firm foundation in difficult times. \N9. Freedom and Trust: A healthy loving relationship fosters individual freedom and builds a solid trust, free from doubt and jealousy. \N10. Acceptance of change: Real love recognizes that people change and evolve, and embraces those changes as part of the shared journey. Love as a couple, when true, becomes a powerful catalyst for a fulfilling and meaningful life, where the presence of the other is a gift that is renewed day by day. It is a love that is not only felt, but is actively lived, with wisdom, awareness and a deep emotional connection. ♥️💞❤️‍🔥🔥💫🫶💜

